30+ Experts Share What’s the Perfect Time to Start Link Building for a New Blog?

Crypto Catalysts
12 min readOct 1, 2017


When it comes to Off Page SEO, the first thing is to start link building. Although, Off Page SEO involves all kind of optimizations and tweaks done outside your webpages/blogs. Link Building has been a great strategy to build authority and improve rankings.

Link Building is something you need to focus on. It’s not about creating backlinks for your blog/website anywhere across the web. Well, in my view, to start link building you need three things:

  • Perfect Time
  • Perfect strategy
  • Authority sites to get build links from

The first thing will be discussed by experts; scroll down a little. You can find perfect strategy for Link Building from these resources:

Link Building Tactics (Complete List) — Point Blank SEO What is Link Building? Strategies by MOZ A successful link building strategy in 6 steps by Yoast

The third thing is still pending. “Authority Sites to build backlinks from”, you can find authority sites by searching your main keywords on Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. Create a list, contact webmasters and ask them to feature you. Isn’t that simple?

Let’s see what industry experts and bloggers have got for us:

As soon as you launch! Although limited, there are always industry-specific link building opportunities available even if you don’t yet have “great content”. One tactic I like to use is to establish real world business information for each of my online properties. Fortunately, most of my websites are connected to actual legal businesses with actual mailing addresses, so it’s easy to get directory-type listings. (I typically use Moz Local for this.) These are often nofollowed citations, but they help form the basis of establishing your online website identity.

I guess there is no best time to start building links for a blog is, unless and until it’s a micro niche blog where you want to rank your main domain for a particular query. Otherwise, I will suggest you is to slowly and natural in start and increase over the time. Just be consistent with whatever you do, let’s say if u plan to add 5 links a day, then be consistent and keep on doing it. Consistency plays a huge role. I also suggest you to not only just build links on home page, rather build on all pages and then inter link post with each other so juice can be passed to maximum level.

The perfect time to start backlinks entirely depends on the type of content you are pushing your new site. If the content is of long-form like 4000–8000 words per article, then after publishing 3–4 posts you can start backlink building. Is the content is of like 1000–2000, I would start backlink building after I publish 7–8 such posts. After creating the site, if you have the habit of putting all the content at once, I would suggest you wait for a month before starting backlink building aggressively. The above advice doesn’t mean that you should forget SEO. In the initial days, you need to focus on social signals, direct traffic, and also, more importantly, the content. In the initial days of your blog, you need to target low volume keywords that have low competition. Google won’t really take the risk of ranking your site for high volume keywords no matter how small the competition is (even if the KD is below 5 ;-)). You need to maintain a constant link velocity. Your link profile should grow naturally as you push more content and your blog ages. Keep things appear perfectly natural. Obtain links from topically relevant sites. Even backlinks from small sites are strong if the niches are same.

Day #1. Link building is basically relationship-building; the stuff you’re doing to build links, from guest posting to blog commenting, is the stuff you’ll do to build friendships with other bloggers. I began befriending other bloggers by promoting them and by commenting on their blogs. Many of my blogging buddies invited me to guest post on their blogs. When I placed guest posts on top blogging niche blogs I got serious SEO juice.

The moment you publish your first post is the time you should start building links. Because as soon as you publish content online, you should work on promoting it and building links to it. If I were starting a new blog, I would start building links by sending out emails to websites that publish weekly and monthly roundups. On top of that, I will also email people who have published resource pages on their websites. But don’t directly reach out to people asking to replace an existing link with your link on their website. The reason being that if your blog is new and there is not enough content, people will not give you away the link freely. To sum it up, you should build links right from the start but you should be smart enough to know which method will help at the beginning and which will not.

Your *new* blog needs good content first, so focus on building your blog’s content quality and after a few months, prepare a natural strategy to build backlinks. It shouldn’t appear like you are building backlinks for increasing your blog’s authority or getting ranked for your keywords, all these processes should be simple and clean. Slow and steady.

Put some quality content on your new blog. I suggest that you write 3 to 5 good blog posts, first. When you link to other blogs, you want those links referring to a blog that has some value in your niche. Otherwise, you are undermining your efforts. Once you have some high quality content, then start going out to the top blogger in your niche and connecting. Leave some comments, share their articles, like them on Facebook and so forth. In other words, don’t be some invisible person that’s starting a link building campaign out of the clear blue. It makes you look unprofessional and perhaps even spammy. But once you’re in the flow, writing solid, high quality content consistently, sharing daily with other bloggers in your niche… then start your link building campaign.

I’m not an SEO guy, but I have seen some success. So based on that I can tell you that I’d rather build human connections by producing valuable blog content, sharing others’ content, helping others out, contributing to the online communities, and doing whatever I can to help someone. Sure, you can sit in your basement, use a random image as your display picture, and hunt for the backlinks — you may win at some point, but you won’t be changing lives out there. If you see influencers, the common thing among them is that they change lives. So to answer the question: start building human connections from the day one. The best way to do that is to create helpful content that helps the readers. When you make this strategy a norm; links would start to come naturally.

Links are connections. Connect with real people and you’ll get more than an SEO boost. Start now and make connections whenever you can.

You can never start soon enough acquiring links for a new website. So, the short answer is right away. Even when it seems impossible, there are always places you can get a few links. You should start with the simple stuff like social media profiles and any relevant/local business directories (if you are doing business that is). After that, I always recommend to my clients that the simplest way to get a few decent links is via guest posting. You cannot aim too high in the beginning, so just go for blogs that a bit more successful than you. At the beginning, just a few links can make a difference so give it a shot!

Well i am not a expert in link building but i start link building for my blog after sometime like 2 or 3 months. First build some authority like first write some good high quality content for your blog. Then start link building. Starting link building from very first time is not a good thing. I also recommended you to to read this guide from moz 🙂 https://moz.com/beginners-guide-to-link-building/campaign

In the initial stage of a new blog, you should first focus on creating quality content and building an audience base. You should be sure that you at least have few quality articles which should make your visitors happy. If you start link building before having minimum articles and visitors than Google closely observes every activity of the blog and it may lead to Google Penalty which is equal to hell to any Blogger. So, first, you should build quality content and visitors base. Then you should start the real game, the game of the link building.

The best time to start link Building is 3–4 month after buying a new domain because when you put content on your blog so your ranking always on the positive side. On the other side, you can prevent Google from spamming your domain.Then after 3–4 month start link building and you can get excellent results.

Well, there is no exact perfect time for link building (because search engines don’t have any release about when to start or stop building). But, I mostly start building links when my website/blog is live doesn’t matter it has posts or not which works well (but not more than 20/day). If you’re thinking that it wouldn’t be spammy? No! Because one of the famous blogs online almost builds 1k+ backlinks in 2 hours. Shortly, Start link building from Day 1.

Well, I think perfect timing is when you see that your blog has started gaining presence for your keywords in Google doesn’t matter on which position or page. It shows Google has indexed your pages properly and is eager to show you in search results. This is time to boost off-page and take this opportunity to rank. Now you are ready to go for link building. 🙂

If you are thinking you need links, you likely have already missed the boat. No worries though, contribute to other blogs (something you should have started before your blog) with comments, real discussions, and connection to the readers and blogger. You’ll get comments, links, and subscribers in direct proportion to the value you add outside your own blog.

I still didn’t started my blogging journey yet, but i have been learning stuffs since 1.2 years and i have gained some quite good knowledge. Now coming to my answer. I always believe that for new blog we don’t have to play with such stuff so quickly. I mean that we need to gain some authority first. We constantly need to focus on quality contents for newly launched blog in order to gain some authority. Now so what’s the perfect time for starting link building for these blogs? Go slowly and steady! Start building links after one-two months (make sure you’re publishing contents frequently two or three in a week) also consider that you’re publishing highly relevant topics of your chosen niche. In earlier months, Go for natural anchors like “Read more”, “Here’s more details” etc. So it will help a lot. Also consider that you’ve to build links only on highly relevant quality blogs of your niche. 😉

Before I start, I would say that my answer is based on my own experience and experiment (I especially find a Keyword and created a Micro Niche site for that).

My Story I find a low competition Keyword that was not very easy to rank and was not very hard to rank too. I put a static page on that and then a few other pages to make it an average site which can be monetized with AdSense. About 3 or 4 days later I bought a GIG from Fiverr for profile backlink it was just after the 7 or 8 days of creation of my blog. The GIG was delivered to me within two days. But the backlinks was indexing very slow, I indexed all the backlinks (Around 50) using Blogger.com, and immediately I saw a boost in the traffic of that site. In this way, my site got around 1000 Sessions in August (to be noted domain was bought on 22 July). About 2 or 3 weeks later I wrote some posts and published them on various site and get backlinks to my main Keyword. And BOOM! The Site started getting traffic from the targeted Keywords; Well, now the site is getting an average of 300 Sessions daily which is increasing day by day. Conclusion Don’t wait to make money by making backlinks, just find keywords, create posts and start making backlinks. But remember backlinks must be powerful.

I start outreaching to build backlinks when the intended page gets indexed, and after giving it a while to see where it will stop on the SERPs for the targeted keywords. Sometimes, I get my pages ranked with no backlinks, so I prefer to save the efforts to those pages that are hard to rank.

There ISN’T any best tine, really. You must already be trying to get linked from similar websites, even if your blog is a WEEK old. Because, if you wait for a certain time, you are missing on a LOT of links you could get, had you started link building process sooner…

If you just started a new blog, you should do things in the following order: 1. Get a premium theme and customize it so your site looks pretty and professional 2. Start writing in-depth content that provides value to your readers. Aim for at least 2k words per post and also pay attention to the formatting. 3. Promote them on social media. 4. Start link building through influencer outreach and guest posting. You should have at least 5 blog posts if you want to attract backlinks. Focus on getting quality links from sites with a high DA (above 40).

I would like to share my personal experience regarding this question. I have tested with 2 fresh sites in the past, 1 with link building from day 1 and another with link building after 2 weeks, The better result I got with link building after 2 weeks process, Here is the reason. When we start a new blog it is totally new to google search engine, It’s like 1 star out of million stars. According to the concept of google search engine, the best content gets better ranking or the content which is already liked by people gets better ranking. Social Media plays a vital role in building trust to any blog. Social Media sites are high authority sites in eyes of Google. When any new blog gets a lot of social signals then google recognize it as a trust signal and it’s natural when any new blog gets so much engagement in social media, it is going to get backlinks in a natural way. The same happens with viral niche sites and many times you might have noticed Reddit posts are ranking on the first page. The simple answer to this question is after publishing fresh content promote it well for 1–2 weeks, you can use twitter, google plus, facebook pages, Facebook groups, Facebook ads, Pinterest etc. after getting good engagement start link building process. It will not only provide trust to your new blog but it will also make your blog safe from the sandbox and increase indexing speed.

I always contact bloggers who are already working on that niche and ask them if they allow guest post. I think it is one of the best ways to start the building links as well as relationship for a new blog as other bloggers will get aware about your blog and if you are good at convincing people than you can get high quality relevant links with quality followers, who might bookmark your site or become your fan. After this, I research a lot just o check where exactly my targeted audience hang out and I sing up at such sites/forum. Even if I don’t get any type of link. You will stay updated with all the news and buzz! And most importantly you will understand what actually your audience wants and how you can convert them into clicks on ads or in sales 😉

When You have enough content to show on your blog and have relevant content to one keyword for example having much content on one keyword and then start the inner link building and external backlinks to support the authority of content. I believe and have experimented that, it worked for me and I doing it still.

Backlink is most important part of to get rank your keyword. When your have high keyword difficulty then you have to make some power full link with different keyword and if your keyword have law Keyword Difficulty then after publishing wait for 2 day and check how’s your post going and after that start making backing according keyword position.

I do not have a lot of knowledge about link building, but in my opinion it is natural to start slowly right away with link building to relevant sites if there are a few articles on the blog.

Right from the 1st publish. Every article should be take cared of. With time, the links will add a grain to the growth of website and it will be exponential.

First Build some social signals and authority. Later start link building with branded keywords in the first month of link building campaign. Go slowly and steadily. So the best time would be 15 days once the blog created.

I would start from day 1, because there is no need to wait. I am not aware of any research out there that shows that link building right away is NOT a good idea.


Link Building is the most crucial part of Off-Page SEO. Link Building is all about making your eligible to get links from authority webpages. And to fetch links from authority sites, you need to make your site/blog a value. To make your blog a value, try to publish quality content, have a good content strategy and keep following. The best thing is to avoid spamming your blog everywhere to build links. Once your blog has value, you’ll start fetching links from reputed webpages easily. So, focus on making your blog a value and let others value it!

Originally published at https://meetahmad.com on October 1, 2017.




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